



  • We recommend you discuss and process any unhealed trauma with your kaumātua and whānau before the kaumātua dies as this can help to bring peace to a troubled situation and reduce mamae after they die.
  • We recommend talking with other kaumātua, a tohunga, minister, rongoā practitioner or G.P. to help clear or process any mamae.
  • We recommend that karakia can be  be used to bring comfort to a troubled, mind, spirit and body.
  • We recommend that people, who experience persistent grief and distress (sometimes referred to, as ‘complex’ grief) following the death of a kaumātua, should talk with their whānau if they find them supportive.
  • We recommend talking as a way of releasing and processing grief; talking can be a great healer. Māori healing services may offer storytelling (drawing on pūrākau) to help draw out the mamae.
  • If someone in the whānau is grieving and feeling overwhelmed yet unable to reach out to ask for help, we recommend that other whānau or friends approach them to offer their aroha and assistance. A minister, rongoā practitioner or tohunga (spiritual practitioner) can provide helpful spiritual support. In addition to this, the support of the person’s GP or a grief counsellor (hospices and some funeral services have these) might help.

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